City of Muscle Shoals
Recent News About City of Muscle Shoals View More
Muscle Shoals Police Department: Prevent Package Theft
It is Thanksgiving Week & residents are taking advantage of Black Friday online shopping deals - which means an increase in package deliveries throughout our communities
Muscle Shoals Police Department: Tactical Team Tuesday
The Muscle Shoals Police Departments Tactical Team is comprised of 12 officers specially trained as entry personnel, precision rifle operators, tactical negotiators,tactical equipment operators,MSPD and MSFD medics
Muscle Shoals Police Department is Hosting Domestic Violence Training
MSPD is hosting Domestic Violence Training presented by Gabrielle Helix, State Domestic Violence Resource Prosecutor
CITY OF MUSCLE SHOALS: "Let's Light up Muscle Shoals" contest winners
Congratulations to the winners of the "Let's Light up Muscle Shoals" Christmas decorating contest.Thank you all for participating.
CITY OF MUSCLE SHOALS: City Council Work Session 5:00 pm and Regular Meeting to be held on December 21, 2020
Earlier start time to allow for the interview of library board applicants.
CITY OF MUSCLE SHOALS: City Council Work Session to be held on December 7, 2020
4:15 pm work session Telephone interviews for Shoals Economic Development Authority and Recreation Boards.
CITY OF MUSCLE SHOALS: City Council Work Session to be held on December 3, 2020
The City Council will hold a work session at 3:00 pm in the City Hall conference room to review the proposed 2020-2021 general fund budget.
CITY OF MUSCLE SHOALS: Civil Service Board to be held on December 1, 2020
Monthly meeting held in the City Hall conference room 2010 E. Avalon Avenue, Muscle Shoals.
CITY OF MUSCLE SHOALS: Civil Service Board to be held on November 3, 2020
Monthly meeting held in the City Hall conference room 2010 E. Avalon Avenue, Muscle Shoals.
CITY OF MUSCLE SHOALS: Drive Up Trick or Treating to be held on October 30, 2020
Stay in your vehicle and librarians dressed in cool Halloween costumes will bring hang you candy!
CITY OF MUSCLE SHOALS: Civil Service Board to be held on October 6, 2020
Monthly meeting held in the City Hall conference room 2010 E. Avalon Avenue, Muscle Shoals.
CITY OF MUSCLE SHOALS: City Council Work Session 5:30 pm and Regular Meeting to be held on August 17, 2020
Regular meeting at 6:00 pm or conclusion of work session whichever is later.
CITY OF MUSCLE SHOALS: 2020 Municipal Candidates Set
Qualifying for individuals wanting to run for office in the City of Muscle Shoals has ended.